Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for the Future

Vision Board

"This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen"
The reason I choose all these images is because I want to have this in the future. I wanna be able to get a college education and be able to make a lot of money in what I do. The reason I have a picture of a big house is because I wanna be able to have a big house like this so that when my family come over to visit they can stay with me and my future family and wife. Another picture I have is a boxing match and the reason why is because I wanna be able to box still in my free time because I've been doing this sport for 3 years now and I fell in love with this sport ever since. All these things I have here is what motivates me because if I later succeed imma feel proud of my sell for what I accomplish though out my life. The college I want to attend after high school is Cal Poly Pomona and get a degree in Landscaping Architecture.

1 comment:

  1. I like the car you put on the picture and the color you use are nice.
